An exceptional 1.5 Assaria from Chios
Los 123
ISLANDS OFF IONIA, Chios. Pseudo-autonomous issue. 1.5 Assaria (Bronze, 23 mm, 7.02 g, 7 h), time of the Antonines, 138-192. ΧΙΩΝ Sphinx seated to right, placing right forepaw on Chian amphora. Rev. ACCAPION HMYCY Two crossed thyrsoi; all within a vine wreath with bunch of grapes hanging between the thyrsoi. BMC 126 = RPC IV.2 online 982.3 (same obverse die). Winterthur 3235 (same obverse die). Very rare and very likely the finest known. An exceptional example from this highly interesting provincial series naming the denomination on the reverse. Extremely fine.

Ex Leu 11, 14 May 2022, 194, from the Vineyard Collection, Nomos 17, 26 October 2018, 182 and ex Aufhäuser 13, 7-8 October 1997, 179.

Chios was one of just three poleis with the right to solely strike Roman Provincial coins without the imperial portrait (the others being Athens and Termessus Major). Remarkably, the Chian provincial coinage always spells out the name of the respective denomination, an extremely rare occurrence on ancient coins and hence of great interest to numismatic researchers.
2000 CHF
1600 CHF
2200 CHF
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